MA Photography, Sunderland University 2004
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Northumbria University 1998
Exhibitions / Performances / Awards / Commissions
Developing Your Creative Practice - Arts Council Funding. 'Before Land Became Landscape' November 2023
'Mutability' Solo Exhibition, Republic Gallery Blyth, Northumberland - Oct - Nov 2023
North-East Contemporary Visual Arts Network - Micro Bursary Award - September 2023
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. Baltic Gateshead. Live performances - July 2022
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. Roche Court Sculpture Park. Live performances - May 2022
Arts Council England Project Grant - ' Graham Patterson collaboration with Surface Area Dance Theatre'. November 2021
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. The Hepworth, Wakefield. Live performances - October 2021
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. Dance City Newcastle. Live performance - September 2021
Henry Moore Foundation Project Grant - 'Relationships Between Sculpture and Dance'. July 2021
Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. Barbican Conservatory. Filmed performance - April 2021
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones' Surface Area Dance Theatre. Durham Cathedral. Filmed performance - November 2020
Contemporary Countryside – Centre for Rural Economy Group Exhibition. Fold Yard Berwick upon Tweed. November 2019
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones.' Research week - Surface Area DanceTheatre. Dance City - Newcastle. August 2019.
Artist in Residence Spittal First School, Northumberland. 'Sense of Place' Supported by The Paul Hamlyn Trust. May 2021
Sense of Place' Exhibition Berwick Gymnasium Gallery. June 2019
'Hand In Hand' choreographed by Chisato Minamimura produced by NicoleVivien Watson and Paul Miller. Supported by Moving Art Management + Japan Foundation at DanceCity Newcastle March 2019
'Behind the face of a rock, throwing stones.' Research week Surface Area Dance Theatre. Leeds December 2018.
'Accumulation' Commission - North-East Photography Network / WearExperimenting. August - November 2018
'Materiality'- Group Exhibition, Holy Island, Northumberland. Supported by Arts Council England. September-October 2017.
NorthumbrianLandscapes' Peregrini Lindisfarne Trust / Helix Arts - ParticipatoryArts Project. Lead Artist. April-June 2017.
Immersion- Emergence. Residency programme (shortlisted artists exhibition).Old Fire station / Cumbria University, Carlisle. April 2017.
'Materiality'- Group Exhibition. Berwick Gymnasium Gallery,Northumberland. March 2017.
'Undercurrents' open studio live audio / visual performance with James Wyness. 'Meditations on the Sea'. Northumberland. October 2016.
LeadArtist - STEAM 'The Big Draw' - Berwick Gymnasium Gallery. October2016
'Reflections': Glass : Water : Art : Science. Group Exhibition; The Haining,Selkirk. May 2016
Planning dept - Group Exhibition The Bakery, Jedburgh. March 2016
'Paper' Group Exhibition. Taipei University of the Arts, Taiwan. December 2015
LeadArtist - 'The Big Draw' - Berwick Gymnasium Gallery. October 2015
'Immersion' live Audio / Visual performance with James Wyness. The Bakery, Jedburgh. September 2015
'Periphery'Audio / Visual performance with Mariam Rezaei. DottoDot Active Arts. Watchtower, Berwick upon Tweed. March 2015
'Paper,table, wall and after' Gallery North, Newcastle upon Tyne. December - January 2015
ArtistsBook Market, Baltic, Gateshead. Selected by North-East Photography Network. December 2014
'AboveGround Level', Projection. Blyth, Northumberland. Dottodot Active Arts, commission. December 2014
LeadArtist, "The Big Draw' Berwick Gymnasium Gallery. Dottodot Active Arts. October 2014
Positive/ Negative Space - Cameraless photographic Workshops Newcastle University. October 2014
'Ripe2', group exhibition. Baltic39, Newcastle upon Tyne. July 2014
LondonAlternative Photography - Pinhole group exhibition. Doomed Gallery, Dalston. May 2014
Exhibition, Watchtower Gallery, Berwick upon Tweed. January - February 2014
AA2A Scheme Northumbria University, (Paper studio Northumbria) 2013 - 2014
'Camera-lessphotographic works', Group Exhibition. The Photo-Parlour, Derby. Nov2013
'PlacelessPlace', group exhibition Whistlestop arts, Haltwhistle,Northumberland Sept 2013
'Terra Incognita', Group Exhibition, MIMA emerging curators, Stockton Arc. June 2013
'MovingOn', group exhibition, Central Square. July 2011
'ExtendedVisions', Group Exhibition, The American School in England. October - November 2011
Tate Britain discussions with curators to discuss artists book production. February 2010
'TheEdge of Meeting', Solo exhibition, Meantime Studios Berwick uponTweed. October 2009
'TheSmall Print', Group Exhibition Northern Print, Newcastle upon Tyne. July 2009
North-EastArt fair. 'Emerging Artists' The Sage, Gateshead. August 2008
'Brilliant!',CSDI funded Exhibition, Northern Print, 2007
Northern Print Bursary Recipient. 2006 - 2007
CSDIBook Binding Course, Northern Print 2006
PublicArtwork installed, Spittal Promenade, Berwick upon Tweed,Northumberland 2006
'ProfitFrom our Experience', MA Photography exhibition and publication. Sunderland University 2004
Artist in Residence, various projects, Newcastle Play & Youth Service,2003 - 2005
Artist in Residence, Beacon Arts centre, Whitehaven, Cumbria. June - August 2003
'Still' Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne. Sept 2003
"Capital,' site specific works VANE, Newcastle upon Tyne March - April 2002
Northern Arts, Travel Award 2001
'Wall',group exhibition Waygood studio users, Ad-HOC Gallery, Wallsend,Tyneside. September 2001
'Flashpoint'Globe Gallery, North-Shields, Tyneside, Oct 2000
VANE, Group Exhibition, Turnbull Building Newcastle upon Tyne. Nov 2000
VANE'Rocket 1 & 2 Group Exhibition. Stephenson Works, Newcastle upon Tyne. Nov 1999